You've been
warnedThe Octopus knows His limits, yet exceeds them every time.

Youthful Indiscretion on Cabot While celebrating a support
team member's 48th 4000'er, The Octopus loses control. A phone call
saved his life, but NH Fish and Game was not amused.
Mountaineering The Octopus perches high above the Franconia
Range before descending Cannon Mtn.
 First Winter Ascent The
Octopus is congratulated by his support team atop Mt. Moosilauke.
 Assaulted by Fowl The
Octopus fails to heed warnings about aggressive, hungry wildlife on
Mt. Isolation.
 Mt. Moosilauke
The Octopus flaunts the fact that he did no work at all to get
 Hikin' and
Poachin'Why buy a lift ticket when you can hike up?
Mt. Tecumseh, Waterville Valley, NH.
 Mt. Eisenhower The
Octopus is belayed by a partner in high winds.
 North Twin Summit
Carrying only a cell phone and ignoring storm warnings, the Octopus
finds himself forced to make an unplanned bivouac near treeline.
 Zealand Mtn. The
Octopus was not impressed by the view, although the sign was cool.
 Carter Dome,
with a view of the Carters. The light showcases his "good" side.