Ellery BowlSomewhat
thin at the bottom, but along the Sierra Crest "thin" is relative. As
we tracked out the corn in the lower half of the bowl (over four
perfect runs), a gasping and coughing skier slowly booted up the right
side and into the upper reaches of the bowl. We waited around for his
descent, but threatening weather sent us home before he went big. I
hope the guy was OK.
 Low Tele Nothing
like a deep, fast carve on perfect corn. I need to wear more colorful
clothing, though, if people are going to photograph me.
Season Boaters fish in Ellery Lake during the corn
 Earning TurnsHigh
speed nondetachable quads at work.
 Smoooth The hot
sun bakes tiny suncups to perfection.
 The Alternative to
Randonee When equipment and logistical failures put Paul in a
bad situation, creativity is required to get another sliding day.
Is this covered under the shovel warranty?