California "Backcountry," Spring 2004
When there's snow, it's ski season. The quick, easy weekend trips are
what makes California skiing such a pleasure. It's simply not a big
deal when you can sleep in your car, stay within sight of
civilization, and have a great skiing experience without it being an
"The Playground," Gaylor Peak, Tioga Pass, May
Skiers: Mitch, Big Tim, Peter C., Seki and Jill, Matt
Reagan, and a Teletipster
 The PlaygroundDespite
a lean spring season, there's still skiable snow just off CA-120
beyond the Yosemite Gate. These are the gullies below Gaylor
Tim surveys the goods.
 Ski To Your Car An
unnamed Teletipster returns home after a long day. The skiing was so
good, she returned with her pants on backwards.
 Lift ServedA car
shuttle removes about 500' from the climb. Jill and an unnamed
Teletipster approve. Note the Seki Syncro, in all Its Glory, framing
the West Face of Mt. Dana.
 Jill rips up the main gully,
while Mitch captures it on video.
*assen Peak, May 2004
Skiers: Matt Reagan, Paul Lutes, Cedrik, Banker
 Bumpass HellDrizzle and
snow threaten after a clear, calm night in the Southwest campground.
We wait until a ranger delivers a positive forecast before heading up
the mountain.
 Southwest Face A low
snow year takes its toll on the southerly aspects.
 photo by
Cedrik Big Mountain, Little Skier Dropping in
just below the summit, I get many soft corn turns.
 Southeast Bowl On the
way up for a second run, the sun finally breaks through once and for
 At Lake HelenThe road
is cleared but closed, so we walk it.
 *assen Summit Or what
is left after the big eruptions of 1914-1915.
 Cedrik Yeah, that's
good corn.
 All Downhill From
Here But the snow really hasn't gone anywhere, sun or no
Green Creek Couloir, Eastern Sierra, May 2004
Skiers: Matt Reagan, Ben Shefftz, Tony Rabinowitz
 Car ShuttlingYou can
gain extra vertical with well-placed car shuttles and a little road
 Mt. Dunderberg (East
Peak) This looks like an ideal camping spot.
 Serious Vertical Skiing
something like this really makes one feel like they have accomplished
 Kavanaugh RidgeThe
ridge itself is a nice gentle climb to point 11,147.
 In the Green Creek
Couloir Dropping 3,000' from 11,147' on Kavanaugh Ridge north of
Mt. Dunderberg, this chute has a long, consistent pitch and a very
aesthetic line.
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