Photos that I have taken that do not include other people are licensed under a Creative Commons License. This includes all photos of natural scenes
or scenes in which there may be other people but they are not the subject
of the photo (e.g., someone driving past). If the subject of the photo is clearly a person other than myself, you must ask my permission before using the photographs in any way. You may freely sample from any images under the same
restrictions, and may sample from images that include other people so long as your resulting work does not include their photograph (e.g., crop it, or paste
over it, etc.)
Please do not directly link to my images to embed them in your own
page, blog, etc. This eats up the bandwidth of my ISP, fills my logs
with junk, and is a generally unfriendly thing to do. Excessive
"hotlinking" will result in my redirecting your viewers accesses to
my images to something a little less desirable...